As an investment company, we provide support services to corporate organizations by way of Micro Finance services and this product is designed to meet the short – term cash requirements of members of staff.

Under this arrangement, we undertake to assist members of staff who so desire to acquire items such as electronics, household equipment, cars, properties, capital market products, (Such as stock & bonds) and to generally meet short-term cash requirements in the shortest possible time. Indeed, our strength in this area of finance lies in our response time, which is usually between 24 – 48 hours after receipt of the application.

Furthermore, our interest rate is very moderate and negotiable while repayment of the facility is structured in such a way that beneficiaries are able to accommodate them conveniently and comfortably through their monthly income.

Where an organization has a co-operative society in existence, we offer to assist such organizations in managing such societies as well as our professional advice towards ensuring its continued existence, growth and attainment of its set objectives. Being highly liquid, we can grant our facility to as many staff as possible from your organization and as well work with them in joint venture projects.

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For tailor-made services across a broad spectrum of financial services including, Invoice Discounting, LPO Finance & Direct Supplies, Equipment Leasing, Venture Capital/Joint Venture, Property Development & Project Management, Micro-Finance, Micro-Credit.

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